lørdag 5. mars 2011


Jeg har ikke sydd på over ei uke, så nå klør det i fingrene. I dag skal jeg konsentrere meg om noen stitchery-blokker. Startet før jul, men så ble det stopp. I haven't done any sewing for more than a week, so today I'll concentrate on some stitchery blocks. I started before Christmas, but since then they haven't been given priority.

Ha en fin lørdag! Have a nice Saturday!

6 kommentarer:

Elisabeth Solum sa...

Så fine påskemotiver! Kos deg med stichery i helga! :)

marina sa...

they look lovely Oddbjorg,
I have that pattern and seeing yours makes me tempted to do them in stitchery instead of applique. It is very effective.

Michele sa...

Love your stitchery! Sorry you haven't been able to work on them for a while......last night I put borders on a quilt that I was working on in October! It just got pushed aside.

Grethe sa...

Koselig stitchery; fint å se fremover i tid;er det snart påske? jeg henger etter!! Ser jeg må øve meg på å bruke ramme:-)

Elyte sa...

It is hard to find the time sometimes. Hopefully you will have something to show on the 25th for the 1 Xmas item a month.

annemariesquilt sa...

Skjønne harepus broderier ;-) Tid for påske snart kanskje ..