I have had some days off from work, and I thought I would do a lot of handicrafts. But often you have to give priority to other things - and so it was this time too. Well, I'm glad to tell that I have finished 3 more stitchery blocks for my grandson's wallhanging. It's a Bunny Hill Design. I use different shades of beige/brown. The next block is traced and will probably be started in the evening.

The knitting is always in the near. Now I have finished these which have been a UFO for some time.

Have a creative day!

7 kommentarer:
Glad you managed to get a few things done. The days are too short for all the things that we have to do.
Så nyderlig stitchery du holder på med... Lykke til !
Nå kommer snart våren, åå det skal bli deilig. Er du klar ??
you are making your way through those stitcheries. At least you got some time to do handcrafts, some is better than none!
Lovely knitting!
Takker for koselig kommentar i bloggen :-)
Flotte stitchery du har laget.
Og sokkene ser gode og varme ut.
Ønsker deg en kreativ og fin dag.
Sounds like a great day. Your stitcheries and knitting are lovely! I didn't get any sewing done, and have only just gotten home and it is time to go to bed. Maybe I can sew tomorrow after work! Have a great day.
Så flotte stitchery blokker og sokker du har laget! Ja, det er en veldig god følelse å bli ferdig med noe som har ligget lenge ..
Ha en kreativ dag du også!
Hilsen meg
Great projects! Congratulations on a finish :-)
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