onsdag 24. desember 2008


I have been quite busy lately, and I haven't given my blog a high priority.
Now everything is ready for Christmas. My children + daughter-in-law are home for the holidays, and we look forward to some relaxing days together.
These knitted "nisser" I made about 25 years ago, and still we like to have them on the old stump.

This is another quite old decoration, my children won it when they were tiny! The table runner underneath I wove myself many, many years ago.
We always place the angels on the piano. Some of them are paper angels which my children made when they were little. The ones made of porcelain are hand painted and from my sister. I really cherish them and I usually get one every Christmas.
The Christmas tree is now decorated, the packages are placed under the tree and will be opened later tonight. As I'm writing this I can hear one of my daughters playing X-mas carols on the piano. It feels like Christmas. :)
My best wishes to all of you.
Merry Christmas!

1 kommentar:


God jul til deg og dine også:-) Håper på eyy flott og kreativt nytt år:-))