tirsdag 26. mars 2019

One Monthly Goal for March

Målet for mars er nådd. Blokkene som manglet, er sydd og midtstykket satt sammen.
The blocks I needed are done and the center is assembled. 
I'm linking up with Elm Street Quilts.


8 kommentarer:

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué sa...

Congratulations! Lovely blocks

Mrs Parker sa...

That really looks good. I love how all the blocks are different sizes and patterns but the colours keep it looking harmonious, it works so well.

Frederika sa...

Fint at du fikk det til Ser veldig fint ut. Fine farger sammen

Quilting Babcia sa...

Very pretty, I love your use of the neutrals and variety in the size of your blocks.

Debbie Sauer sa...

Wow, that looks like it was hard to do!

Elyte sa...

Congratulations on reaching your goal.
It looks lovely.

Patty sa...

Looks wonderful! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

Elisabeth Solum sa...

Kjempeflott! :) God helg, til deg også!