fredag 9. desember 2011

Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks

Look what the postman brought lately. I was one of the lucky winners at Heidi's blog some time ago. There are many interesting blocks, and I'll sure use some of them in coming works. I hope you enjoy the Advent time. Yesterday I had a bad fall, so I have problems both to sit and to walk. No good day for me today.

9 kommentarer:

Narelle sa...

Oh Dear!
Lots of bed rest is needed. I hope you can enjoy browsing your lovely 100 Blocks win while resting and that you are feeling much better very soon.

marina sa...

Hope you haven't injured yourself too badly and that you are back to normal asap.
Your new book can keep you company while you recover.
Will look forward to seeing the blocks you make from the book.

Gudveig HN sa...

Så heldig. Gratulerer!

Debbie Sauer sa...

Hope you are ok! Will you still be going to Oslo?

Hellen Sigurbjörg sa...

Heldige deg! Men det er verre med fallet, håper du blir snart bra igjen. God jul, Oddbjørg!

Anonym sa...

hope you feel better soon

Julie sa...

I am sorry to hear that you had a fall. Please take good care of yourself and get well soon!

Grethe sa...

Gøy å se så mye spennende hos deg!
Hyggelig at du vant hos Heidi.God bedring med fallet;isen her i syd er også farlig.Happy Quilting:-)

2ne sa...

Enjoy your quiltmagasin.
Wish you a merry christmas :-)