lørdag 31. desember 2011
OPAM December
fredag 30. desember 2011
UFO Challenge 2012
I discovered that Judy at Patchwork Times is hosting a UFO Challenge for 2012. There seems to be many participants, so I'm not the only one who has quite a lot of UFOs. I want to join, and hopefully I can make progress and even finish some of them. I think it's easier when we can encourage each other.
My list is not too ambitious, because I know I'll be working on new projects as well as do other handicrafts during the coming year.
1. Table runner with flower - finish it.
2. Round Robin wallhanging (a little one)- quilt and finish it.
3. Christmas wallhanging - piece the top
4. ----------"------------ - do all the applique
5. ----------"------------ - quilt and finish it.
6. Christmas table runner - do the applique.
7. Bargello Wallhanging ( really old one) - finish the top.
8. ---------"----------- - quilt and finish it.
9. "Snow Days" Wallhanging (only one block is made) - sew at least 3 blocks.
10. ----------"----------- - sew at least 3 blocks.
11. ----------"----------- - sew at least 3 blocks.
12. ----------"----------- - stitch 1 or 2 blocks.
Judy is picking a random number each month, so may be I have to switch some of the numbers because I have to finish a top before doing the applique.
You find more information about the challenge here.
My list is not too ambitious, because I know I'll be working on new projects as well as do other handicrafts during the coming year.
1. Table runner with flower - finish it.
2. Round Robin wallhanging (a little one)- quilt and finish it.
3. Christmas wallhanging - piece the top
4. ----------"------------ - do all the applique
5. ----------"------------ - quilt and finish it.
6. Christmas table runner - do the applique.
7. Bargello Wallhanging ( really old one) - finish the top.
8. ---------"----------- - quilt and finish it.
9. "Snow Days" Wallhanging (only one block is made) - sew at least 3 blocks.
10. ----------"----------- - sew at least 3 blocks.
11. ----------"----------- - sew at least 3 blocks.
12. ----------"----------- - stitch 1 or 2 blocks.
Judy is picking a random number each month, so may be I have to switch some of the numbers because I have to finish a top before doing the applique.
You find more information about the challenge here.
tirsdag 27. desember 2011
SSCS 2011
Jeg har også dette året vært med på hemmelig gavebytte arrangert av Donna. Jeg kunne ikke finne ut av hvem avsenderen var, men regnet med "gåten" ville bli løst når jeg pakket opp på julekvelden. Som dere ser var det masse fint, men hvem har sendt gaven? Det eneste jeg er sikker på er at vedkommende bor i Australia. Pynten jeg fikk kan sees her. Tusen takk for alt det fine jeg har fått!
Tusen takk til Donna også!

This year too I participatied in SSCS (Secret Santa Christmas Swap) hosted by Donna. I couldn't see who sent me the package, but I was sure to know when I opened the main gift on Christmas Eve. As you can see I received a lot of lovely items, but there was no card or note telling me who sent it. The ornament I got you can see here. Thank you very much my secret friend! I love your gifts, so I'll be glad if you tell me who you are.
Tusen takk til Donna også!

This year too I participatied in SSCS (Secret Santa Christmas Swap) hosted by Donna. I couldn't see who sent me the package, but I was sure to know when I opened the main gift on Christmas Eve. As you can see I received a lot of lovely items, but there was no card or note telling me who sent it. The ornament I got you can see here. Thank you very much my secret friend! I love your gifts, so I'll be glad if you tell me who you are.
Thanks a lot to Donna too!
lørdag 24. desember 2011
God Jul / Merry Christmas
Det hvite snølaget vi hadde for et par dager siden er borte. Regnet høljer ned, og vinden uler rundt hushjørnene, men inne er det julestemning. Treet er pyntet, englene på plass på pianoet, og nissen jeg laget for mange år siden er godt plassert på sparken sin. Nå er det bare å vente på at jula ringes inn.
Jeg vil takke alle som har vært innom bloggen min dette året, og hyggelige kommentarer varmer. Håper mange ønsker å titte innom i det kommende året også :-)
We had a little snow on the ground a couple of days ago, but now it's gone. Outside it's windy and the rain is pouring down. But indoors we have it warm and cosy. The Christmas tree is decorated, the angels are placed on the piano and "Santa Claus" which I made many years ago is sitting on his "spark" (kick sledge ?) Now we are looking forward to some relaxing days.
Jeg vil takke alle som har vært innom bloggen min dette året, og hyggelige kommentarer varmer. Håper mange ønsker å titte innom i det kommende året også :-)

I want to say thank you to all who have visited my blog this year, and I appreciate all the nice comments. I hope you'll do the same next year :-)
Ønsker dere alle ei god og fredelig julehelg!
Wishing you all a happy and peaceful Christmas!
fredag 9. desember 2011
Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks
Look what the postman brought lately. I was one of the lucky winners at Heidi's blog some time ago. There are many interesting blocks, and I'll sure use some of them in coming works.
I hope you enjoy the Advent time. Yesterday I had a bad fall, so I have problems both to sit and to walk. No good day for me today.

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