torsdag 31. mars 2011
Flere kaniner / more rabbits
Det går ikke fort, men 3 nye stitcheryblokker er unnagjort. Nå gjenstår bare to. Stoff til blokkene som skal være innimellom, etr kjøpt inn. Håper å få gjort en start i løpet av helga.
It doesn't go fast, but 3 more stitchery blocks are done. Only two more left. Fabrics for the blocks which will be in between, are bought. May be I can make a start during the weekend.

onsdag 30. mars 2011

fredag 25. mars 2011
Nells utfordring / Nell's challenge
onsdag 16. mars 2011
Har hatt noen dager fritt og trodde jeg skulle få masse tid til handarbeid. Men ofte må andre ting prioriteres - slik ble det denne gangen også. Kan i allefall notere 3 nye stitchery-blokker ferdige. Disse blokkene skal bli et veggtepe til barnebarnet. Det er et Bunny Hill design. Bruker ulike beige/brune nyanser. Neste blokk er klar for å syes - blir trolig kveldsarbeid.
I have had some days off from work, and I thought I would do a lot of handicrafts. But often you have to give priority to other things - and so it was this time too. Well, I'm glad to tell that I have finished 3 more stitchery blocks for my grandson's wallhanging. It's a Bunny Hill Design. I use different shades of beige/brown. The next block is traced and will probably be started in the evening.
Strikkinga er aldri langt unna. Nå har jeg fått unna disse parene som har ligget halvferdige en tid.
The knitting is always in the near. Now I have finished these which have been a UFO for some time.
Ha en kreativ dag!
Have a creative day!

I have had some days off from work, and I thought I would do a lot of handicrafts. But often you have to give priority to other things - and so it was this time too. Well, I'm glad to tell that I have finished 3 more stitchery blocks for my grandson's wallhanging. It's a Bunny Hill Design. I use different shades of beige/brown. The next block is traced and will probably be started in the evening.

The knitting is always in the near. Now I have finished these which have been a UFO for some time.

Have a creative day!
lørdag 5. mars 2011
Jeg har ikke sydd på over ei uke, så nå klør det i fingrene. I dag skal jeg konsentrere meg om noen stitchery-blokker. Startet før jul, men så ble det stopp.
I haven't done any sewing for more than a week, so today I'll concentrate on some stitchery blocks. I started before Christmas, but since then they haven't been given priority.
Ha en fin lørdag! Have a nice Saturday!

Ha en fin lørdag! Have a nice Saturday!
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