I forbindelse med 2-årsdagen ønsker jeg å gi bort et par små gaver - foreløpig er de hemmelige. Ønsker du å være med i trekkinga, må du legge inn en hilsen før tirsdag 6.april. Fortell gjerne om dette til dine venner også :-)
Tomorrow I celebrate 2 years blogging. It has been an exciting "journey" which has given me a lot of inspiration and many new friends. Nice comments encourage me to continue the blogging. Thank you so much for all the nice words!
In connection with the blog anniversary, I will have a give-away. 2 years; 2 gifts ( secret for now ) If you want to be in the drawing, you have to say hello before Tuesday April 6th. Please tell your friends about it too. The more, the merrier :-)
Happy Quilting!