lørdag 27. februar 2010
It's already evening here. I have been working on the table runner. I made some changes on the borders as well as the colours. I'm not quite satisfied, but that was what I found in my stash. I have some applique left + to sew the binding by hand. I don't know how much more I will do tonight, but sure continue tomorrow.
I have enjoyed the day - a cup of tea now and then, a little bit snacks and good music combined with the sewing - it couldn't have been better.

How are you all?
I'm ready for the party
fredag 26. februar 2010
Spring Sewing Party
I can only dream about spring, but I will join the Spring Sewing Party on Saturday. You can find all the information about it here
Now I have to find the things I need.
Happy Quilting!

Happy Quilting!
After some nice days together with 3 of my children, I'm back home again.
It's a beautiful day - white snow and sunshine. The temperature is a bit low, but it's tempting to take a long walk.
I haven't been sewing recently, but now I feel for it. I had fabrics left from the table mats I made before Christmas, so I started on some more before I went on holiday. I hope to make some progress during the day.
Have a creative day/evening!
It's a beautiful day - white snow and sunshine. The temperature is a bit low, but it's tempting to take a long walk.

onsdag 10. februar 2010
mandag 8. februar 2010
"Fiskelykke" / "Joy of fishing"
lørdag 6. februar 2010
Helg igjen / Weekend again
Utrolig, men sant - det er helg igjen. Skjønner ikke hvor det blir av dagene.
Jeg hadde noen kjempekoselige dager sammen med rundt 25 andre quiltere på Rognan hotell sist helg. God service og nydelig mat! Slike sammenkomster lever en lenge på. Tusen takk til alle!
I can't believe it's weekend again!
Last weekend I spent at Rognan Hotel together with about 25 other quilters. It was some wonderful days. Delicious food and good service. Such gatherings give so much energy and inspiration. Thanks to all who were involved!
Jeg fikk ikke sydd all verden, men UFO-spisebrikkene ble ferdige. Et par penaler
ble også sydd + at jeg har en del halvferdige produkter etter helga. Jeg skulle hatt et bedre kamera; fargene på brikkene er helt annerledes enn det som kommer fram på bildet.
I didn't sew too much, but the UFO table mats were finished. Two pencil boxes were made + I have some halv done project after the weekend. I think I need a better camera - the colours of the table mats are much better than the ones you see on the photo.
Ute snør det tett, så det begynner å ligne vinter.
Ønsker dere en fin lørdag!
Today it's snowing, so it looks like winter.
Have a nice Saturday!
Jeg hadde noen kjempekoselige dager sammen med rundt 25 andre quiltere på Rognan hotell sist helg. God service og nydelig mat! Slike sammenkomster lever en lenge på. Tusen takk til alle!
I can't believe it's weekend again!
Last weekend I spent at Rognan Hotel together with about 25 other quilters. It was some wonderful days. Delicious food and good service. Such gatherings give so much energy and inspiration. Thanks to all who were involved!

ble også sydd + at jeg har en del halvferdige produkter etter helga. Jeg skulle hatt et bedre kamera; fargene på brikkene er helt annerledes enn det som kommer fram på bildet.
I didn't sew too much, but the UFO table mats were finished. Two pencil boxes were made + I have some halv done project after the weekend. I think I need a better camera - the colours of the table mats are much better than the ones you see on the photo.

Ønsker dere en fin lørdag!
Today it's snowing, so it looks like winter.
Have a nice Saturday!
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