Thanks for advice on my last post. I have made up my mind - I'll try to write both in Norwegian and English for a period and see how it will turn out.
I det siste har jeg brukt mere tid med strikkepinnene enn med nål og tråd. Barnegenseren jeg startet på for noen måneder siden er endelig ferdig; får ikke håpe gutten har vokst for fort :-)
Recently I have spent more time using the knitting sticks than needle and tread. The little sweater I started months ago is finished - hopefully the boy hasn't grown too fast :-)

I have been doing a little bit sewing, but unfortunately I can't show you any photos yet as it is a gift. The UFO I showed you in the last post is still the same, but I will applique some flowers.
Regn og atter regn; det er ypperlig vær for aktiviteter innendørs. På de høyeste toppene er det kommet litt snø, men jeg håper ikke vinteren kommer riktig ennå.
Rain, rain, rain - it's perfect weather for indoors activities. The highest tops are covered with some snow, but I can't believe the winter is coming sooo early.
Ha en fin lørdag!
Have a nice Saturday!